Summit Kids Camp 2024

July 24 - August 3 | 3 Sessions Available

Summit Kids Camp is for rising 3rd graders-rising 5th graders to join staff and leaders in an incredible experience at Camp Willow Springs (about an hour and a half drive from Raleigh). We will be diving into discipleship conversations about how to know God and make him known– all while having a blast!


Registration will close July 5th or once our capacity is reached!

Session 1 | July 24 - 27

Session 2 | July 28 - 31

Session 3 | July 31 - Aug. 3

If you are interested in serving as a cabin leader, make a note on your child's registration. Our team will follow up with you based on availability.

Session 1


July 24 - 27

Register Today

Session 2


July 28 - 31

Register Today

Session 3


July 31 - August 3

Register Today

Interested in giving toward camp?

Each year, kids are in need of financial assistance in order to attend camp. If you are interested in giving to help kids, click the button and select your campus from the "Sub Fund" drop-down option.


Action-Packed Activities

Camp Willow Springs offers opportunities for kids to enjoy many activities while at camp. The rotations include a Giant Swing, Low Ropes, Swimming Pool, and the Red Shark (towable float that’s pulled behind a ski boat).

There are also opportunities to participate in the following: Canoeing, Archery, GaGa Ball, Jumping Pillow, Soccer, Crafts, and Basketball

Gospel-Centered Conversations

We will be discussing our need for Christ, what Christ did for us, and sharing with others how they can know him.


Summit staff, Camp Willow Springs staff, background-checked cabin leaders, and a registered nurse will be on site for each session of camp.
Families are responsible for getting their children to and from Camp Willow Springs.
Our friends at Camp Willow Springs deal with a lot of food sensitivities throughout the summer, so you can be sure any food allergies will be treated with the utmost care. Please make sure you note any allergies/medical conditions on your registration. During check-in, all medicine will be dropped off with the Camp Nurse, who will administer at the requested times.
The Camp Willow Springs store will be open at drop-off and pick-up if you want to make a purchase. Otherwise, all snacks and meals will be covered.
Parents are encouraged NOT to visit camp for these 3 days. It can incite home-sickness (and not just for your own kid). If for some reason you must get in touch with your child during camp, there are three ways you can contact them:
  • Reach out to the Kids Director at your campus.
  • Emergency Phone Number for Toiya Williams (Central Kids Director): (919) 354-6053
  • A receptionist is available throughout the day at Camp Willow Springs: (252) 586-0728.
Our desire is to be as distraction-free as possible. Cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices are not permitted.
An Information Guide will be linked in the confirmation email that includes a packing list and other important details.