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5 Reasons to Become a Financial Coach

Nov 02, 2017

Have you ever considered becoming a volunteer financial coach at the Summit?

The Summit Church’s financial coaches provide free, one-on-one, biblically-based guidance to those in our church community. They help others gain control of their finances according to God’s Word. If you’ve never thought about becoming a financial coach at the Summit, here are five reasons why you should consider it:

  1. The need is great. Though our culture is affluent, we have more debt than ever before. Financial problems break marriages and enslave our students. Common financial sense is, unfortunately, very uncommon. Most people, rich and poor, struggle with finances.

  2. The Bible has a lot to say about money. The Bible mentions money directly over 800 times. You are not coaching a fringe area but one of the major subjects of scripture.

  3. Finances are a door to heart issues. In our culture, we are discreet about our finances. We often hide our motives and our heart. Like Adam, we are ashamed. So we hide. Finances are often a direct reflection of what is in our hearts, and by dealing with financial truth, we are touching at root heart issues.

  4. Teachers often internalize their own teachings. Teaching requires simplicity and order. When we take complex processes and are forced to simplify and communicate them, they often make much more sense to us. Being a financial coach will help keep your own personal financial house in order.

  5. The impact can last for generations. Coaching people to lose some weight, apply essential oils, or guzzle “super” drinks are a fine pastime, but they are very temporary. When people get on track financially and spiritually, the impact can change a family tree for generations and the consequences can be eternal.

At The Summit Church, we encourage you to consider becoming a financial coach. All of our volunteer financial coaches must be covenant members of The Summit Church, live out membership through community, follow biblical financial stewardship principles, and attend our financial coaching ministry training.   

To learn more about this you can see our requirements here. To get started, simply apply to become a volunteer coach today.

Post written by Phil Radford and Art Rainer, members of the Stewardship Ministry Leadership Team.