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7 Money Tips for Singles

Oct 12, 2017

God designed us for generous living. This is true for those who are married and single.

While married couples tend to have more expenses, this does not mean that singles do not experience their fair share of financial stressors. Being single has its financial advantages and disadvantages.

For those of you who are not currently married, here are a few money tips for you:

  1. Aggressively pay down debt. Take this opportunity to pay down any student loan or credit card debt that you may have. If you desire to eventually marry, being debt-free is a great way to start the union.

  2. Watch your housing costs. For singles without a roommate, housing can take up a significant chunk of a paycheck. A 2011 study revealed that single women spend about 40% of their income on housing. If you are living alone, make sure to choose an option that makes sense for you. A four-bed, three-bathroom house is nice, but it might not be the most financially sound option.

  3. Be wise with clothing purchases. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best or keep up with clothing trends. As you purchase clothes, try to make cost-effective decisions. Spend more money on clothing staples, and less money on trends. That way, you won’t have a closet full of regret.

  4. Pay attention to your eating out expenditures. Eating out has become a significant expenditure among Millennials. For singles, eating out is a way to connect with friends and, maybe, even meet someone new. But be careful. Too many outings can deter forward movement in your finances.

  5. Choose your date spots wisely. According to a recent study from, singles average $1,596 on dates each year. For men, the number is slightly higher. While you want to treat your date well, be careful not to go overboard. You will pay for it later.

  6. Consider living in an affordable location. MSN put together a list of the most affordable cities for singles. Check them out here.

  7. Don’t forget to put money toward your retirement. This one can be easy to forget. Strive to put 15% of your gross income toward retirement. Your future self will be glad you did.

Whether you are single or married, God desires that we manage our money well so that you can live generously. Make financially sound choices today and free up yourself to live with open hands both now and in the future.

Written by Art Rainer, member of the Summit Stewardship and Generosity Ministry Leadership Team.

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