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8 Ways To Get Started In Local Outreach in 2017

Jan 13, 2017

As the new year kicks off, our Serve365 teams at every campus are looking for folks to join them as they serve our city. We’re highlighting 8 ways you can get started in one of our local outreach initiatives right now. If you’re not sure which to choose, grab a small group member to go with you or find out which Serve365 teams are at your campus.

Dinner For Homeless Families – Wednesday, January 11th

Join the team serving dinner to more than 250 homeless neighbors at the Urban Ministries shelter in Durham. Learn more about serving the homeless year-round.

Prayer Night For International Families in RDU – Thursday, January 12th

The Triangle is home to one of the fastest growing populations of international families in the country, and many are coming from unreached people groups around the world. Join teams reaching out to South Asian, Persian, and West African families all over RDU to pray.

Prison Ministry Interest Meetings – January 15 | 22 | 29

Learn how you can join teams working to launch a new campus inside the men’s and women’s prisons in Raleigh. We’re looking for 30-40 new team members to join this spring.

Foster Parent Interest Meeting – Thursday, January 19th

Fostering is a big commitment, but it’s one of the most powerful gospel-demonstration ministries. It’s also an area of great need in our community, as foster care agencies constantly search for more families willing to care for kids. We’re praying for 50 new Summit families to open their homes in 2017! 

GoMentor Orientation –  Saturday, January 28th

Mentoring in a local school or through an after-school program is one of the best ways to serve disconnected youth (and their families). It’s also one of the most flexible opportunities – mentors are serving in nearly 50 different locations at almost every hour of the day!  

DWELL Interest Meeting – Tuesday, February 7th

Leverage where you live for the mission of God right here in the Triangle. DWELL forms teams of individuals and families who relocate together for 1-2 years to international communities, apartment complexes, and under-resourced neighborhoods around RDU.

Host International Students – Feb 10-12th

A group of 24 Chinese college students will be visiting Duke in early February to study entrepreneurship, and Summit has been asked to provide host homes over the weekend to give the students a taste of American family life.

Refugee Ministry Orientation – Feb 18th

Want to welcome refugee families arriving in the Triangle? Serving with World Relief as a “Welcome Team” or “Good Neighbor Team” is a perfect opportunity to serve with your small group and/or kids.

We’ve highlighted just a few of the opportunities to get started, but there are Serve365 teams at every campus that would love to have new volunteers join their team. Follow @ServeRDU to learn about opportunities.