Stories Detail

Blake Patterson

Apr 12, 2016

Today Blake has chose to share with us his view on serving with the Cary Campus. 

“I’ve been attending Summit Cary for 4 years and I serve as a Sunday Morning Shift Leader as well as a Young Professionals Leader.

Most people don’t know I have an identical twin brother who also attends Summit Cary (Chad). I always assume people know this about me, but it seems every Sunday someone new comes up to me and tells me how they just realized that I had a twin!

I remember several years ago, not too long after I first started attending, I was serving on the ushering team. As guests would arrive early we would do our best to talk to members and guests before the service started to make them feel welcomed. Not long after I had been serving in this role, one of the usher team leaders told us that because of our simple role of talking with guests who were sitting alone or just arrived early to the service, this had made an impact on someone's life. A girl that several other volunteers and I had briefly spoken to on several occasions was really encouraged by this and she kept returning to church and eventually came to know Jesus as her Savior! It was so encouraging and amazing to see how God took such a simple task of saying good morning and making people feel welcomed and used it to further His kingdom.”

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