
Join us in celebrating the upcoming launch of a campus in Fuquay-Varina, coming Fall 2022!

Join the movement.

Following the Holy Spirit, we exist to create a movement of disciple-making disciples in RDU and around the world.

Rob Hardy

Campus Pastor

Contact Rob


From Our Campus Pastor

I am so excited to see God's kingdom grow in Fuquay-Varina and the surrounding areas on earth as it is in heaven! Following the Holy Spirit, we are planting this campus to create a movement of disciple-making disciples in this area that extends around the world. I cannot wait to see all God is going to do! Whether you join us in this mission as part of this campus or not, will you join us in praying these things?

  1. That we would do whatever it takes to reach this area with the gospel in words and actions.
  2. That we would join God where He is already working to grow His kingdom.
  3. That we would have bold faith that God is who He says He is and to ask Him to do what only He can do.
  4. That we would consider whatever gain we might have as loss because of the surpassing worth of Jesus

Opening Fall 2022

We are prayerfully planning to launch the Fuquay-Varina campus in the fall of 2022. The exact launch date is TBD. To stay up to date with new information, sign up for our communication list below.

Why Fuquay-Varina?

Campus launches are one of the main ways we continue our movement here in Raleigh-Durham. By launching campuses close to where members live, we are able to better reach the people that live in that community.

Since we opened up the Apex campus, we have been able to reach many people in Holly Springs and Fuquay-Varina. These are both areas that are growing quickly, and we want to be a part of God’s movement in spreading the gospel there.

Where will we be meeting?

In the fall of 2022, the Fuquay-Varina campus will start meeting at Fuquay-Varina High School. We are incredibly excited to be in such a strategic area, and we are praying this campus will be a blessing to the school and the Fuquay-Varina community.