Stewardship Blog Detail

Remembering God’s Faithfulness and Provision

Mar 25, 2021

When it comes to stewardship, God often uses different times in our lives to teach us something different about himself. For Tyler and Erica, this process began at a Summit College retreat.

“We heard the gospel taught in a way we hadn’t before,” Erica said. “The Bible wasn’t an instruction manual for how to live and how not to live but about who God is and what he has done in Christ.”

“After college, we got married and entered marriage ready to let God use our marriage in any way he saw fit. We thought we were ready, at least. We didn’t know our first test would come so quickly – the first month after we got married, Tyler unexpectedly lost his job,” Erica said.

“I still remember the sinking feeling of seeing Tyler walk in the door during the middle of the day to tell me he had lost his job,” Erica adds. “Let me tell you – we had trouble letting go of our tithe from that last paycheck!”

Unsure of whether they would even be able to pay rent, Tyler and Erica felt the Lord nudging them to trust him through this. So faithfully, and with open hands, they continued to give. In his perfect timing, God provided Tyler with a new job just before their finances ran out. It was their first and most powerful lesson in generosity.

It would not be their last. Throughout the years, God prompted Tyler and Erica to give more and more. With each call to increase their generosity, they felt a familiar twinge of nervousness, and then remembered who God is and how faithful he is to provide. God showed them that his power wasn’t just in what he did, but who he was – a loving father who holds them in his hands.

Recently, they completed their estate plan through the Summit’s estate planning ministry and decided to tithe first out of their estate. It was not only an important step in securing the future of their family but also to affirm where their ultimate future is. Tyler and Erica take encouragement in Matthew 6:19-21:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Knowing that God will provide for their children, just as he has faithfully provided for them, helps Tyler and Erica feel confident to give freely.

“God doesn’t promise to give more to us financially if we give financially. That’s not the purpose of giving generously,” Tyler said. “But in our experience, as we’ve given more he’s continued to provide more. We can’t seem to out give him.”