The student missions trip to NYC was announced with no real meaning for Trisha. She didn’t think her middle son, Dylan, would be interested in going. (He’s not big on flying or talking to strangers.) But a few days later she was shocked when Dylan expressed interest in going, so they signed him up. They started praying for the funds to come in, for courage for Dylan, and for lives to be changed. Support letters were soon sent out, and the money began trickling in. But the due date for payment arrived—too soon. And they were too short on money.
Pastor J.D. had recently preached on prayer, and Trisha was reminded of Psalm 116:2: "'Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live'" (ESV). She believed these words, so she kept praying throughout the day. Yes, God is faithful, even when he says, “No,” but this time she was begging for a “yes.” For Dylan’s growing faith, she was hoping for a tangible answer.
That night at small group, several people asked about Dylan’s trip. Antwon, the Alamance County campus’ student director, was one of them. On the way home that night, Trisha was still praying. What should she tell Dylan? Should they go ahead and withdraw?
Then an unexpected text came from Antwon: “Dylan’s trip is covered.”
Just like that, God provided. Trisha woke Dylan up when she got home, and they prayed, thanking God that he hears and answers.
Romans 8:32 says, "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"
Trisha and Dylan have seen what happens when you
ask. They’ve seen God provide through family, friends, and their small group.
“What kindness! What love! What mercy!” Trisha shared. “I thought of the graciousness of my Father—in saving me, in giving my boys hearts to share the gospel, in providing the way, in putting men like Antwon in my boys' lives who love the Lord, who take action on their behalf, and who can speak truth into their lives, in putting it in the hearts of brothers and sisters to give generously with amazing gospel love. I'm completely overwhelmed—again—by God.”
By Tiffany Pollard