The Low Sensory Service

Nov 06, 2019

The low sensory service is a church service for adults of all abilities to worship together in a sensory-friendly environment.  We desire to be neurodiverse community where all members are both active participants and meaningful contributors. This service is designed to be friendly for those with sensory sensitivities as the lights are up and the sound is low. Fidgets, headphones, weighted blankets, and other sensory items are available as well. Let us know ahead of time if you need these items here! The low sensory service currently meets at The Carolina Theater at 10:45 a.m. Come worship with us! 

Want to know what to expect? Check out our "What to Expect at the Low Sensory Service" Video!  

Check Out our Resources below! 

Loud Noises Social Story 

Moving Through Crowds Social Story

Visual Checklist for the Service